Indian Library Association

Development, Aims & Objectives

The year 1933 happens to be the most significant year in the history of Library and Information Science in India. It was September 13, 1933 when Indian Library Association was formally formed at the First All India Library Conference at Calcutta.

Indian Library Association since its inception has provided a wide variety of services and programs to its members and also others, who seek technical support or advice. The three components, namely The Council, The Executive Committee and the Sectional Committees are responsible for Policy making and the execution of the Programmers of ILA.


The Broad objectives of the Association at the time of its inception were defined as:

  • Furtherance of the library movement in India
  • Promotion of the training of librarians; and
  • Improvement of the status of librarians.

In 1935, two more objectives were added as follows:

  • Promotion of research in library science; and
  • Co-operation with international organizations with similar objectives.

The 1970 amendment to ILA constitution added following four more objectives:

  • Publication of Bulletins, Periodicals, Books etc., which tend to the realization of the objects of the association;
  • To assist the establishment of libraries, Documentation & Information Centers and facilitate their working
  • To promote promulgation of appropriate library legislation in India; and
  • To do all such things to help achieve above mentioned objectives.

The amendment dated January 4, 1987 in the constitution has added three more objectives namely:

  • Providing a common forum to all persons engaged or interested in library and information work by holding conferences and meetings for discussion of professional, technical and organizational issues
  • Accreditation of institutions imparting library and information science education and training; and
  • Promotion as well as formulation of standards, norms, guidelines, etc. for management of Library and Information Systems and Services.


ILA Office:

The office of ILA was housed in the Imperial Library at Calcutta for the initial 12 years since 1933. It was shifted to Delhi in 1946 and remained in the University of Delhi till September 1953. Thereafter, it shifted back to Calcutta. In August 1964, the office moved to Delhi again and was housed in the Building of Delhi Public Library. An extra-ordinary General Body Meeting held on May 24, 1970 made a change in the constitution to make Delhi/New Delhi as the permanent headquarter of the Association. Now the office of the Association is housed in its own one room flat located in a commercial building in North Delhi which was purchased way back in 1978. The office was finally moved to the present building in April, 1982.

As the present location has grown into a sort of Commercial Educational Hub imparting Tuition's and Coaching to the thousands of students through mushrooming coaching centers, the present office building is hardly conducive for any academic body to function properly. Efforts are being made for the allocation of suitable land for the Association. A letter dated 6th June, 2016 has been sent to H.E. Shri Najeeb Jung, Lt. Governor of Delhi with a request for allocation of a piece of land on lease to ILA.

Notice Board

General Body Meeting 2025

Sunday, 09 February 2025
Dear Members, The Annual General Body Meeting of the Indian Library Association shall be held on 21st March 2025 at 4.30pm. at the venue of the...